
David Weiss is a painter and printmaker living and working in Witzenhausen, Germany. Born in 1985 in Fulda, Germany, he gained a BA in sustainable agricultural science from the University of Kassel in 2014, and studied visual communication and graphics at the same institution. Awarded a scholarship from the German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture for visualising sustainable pasture and forestry in Mongolia, his thesis was an interdisciplinary work exploring possible ways in which visual communication could help convey scientific findings to illiterate people. His prints have featured in regional exhibitions in Hesse since 2006 and more widely since 2010. His practice includes painting, woodcutting, screen printing and etching.

His realistic paintings are based on his own photographs, trying to capture the atmosphere of everyday moments, and paradoxically being rooted in both the present feelings of emptiness and uncertainty as well as an encouraging familiarity. His abstract paintings explore the freedom he enjoys as a person and as an artist, paying attention to and observing his inspiration and the shapes appearing on the canvas. Enchanted places or strange found objects are incorporated into his works, whether from his month-long study tours to Mongolia or Madagascar or in his home village in Vogelsberg, Hesse. Weiss is both locally rooted and cosmopolitan; he is present in the here and now, and his art shows an acute awareness of history.

In his graphic work, he creates a satirical parallel universe from everyday situations, using naive motives from comics: in a surreal set of drawings and lithographs we encounter ghostly figures that emerge from the past or the unconscious; for example, the phantoms of Madagascar. In Weiss’s artworks, borders form the focus, whereby the peripheral – as applied inter-culturalism – gains in importance.

Weiss says, ‘In my artistic work, I try to process in a stylistically different way what concerns me in my life or what I have experienced. These can be abstract works that spring from my subconscious, naive comic-style graphics that tell stories or representational works.’


David Weiss. Exhibitions

2023 – 2024
Berlin Tales, ERIAC, Berlin, DE
KUSHTI BOK, Otto Pankok Museum, Hünxe, DE
YRA22, Stiftung Kai Dikhas, Berlin, DE
Transformation, Kunstverein Fulda
„Muy Mucho“ ,von Janus Hochgesand (Künstlerische Intervention der Sammlung) Ludwigmuseum, Koblenz
Forestival, DE
Baro Love, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin,m DE
Waiting for the big fish, Skriptorium, Schondorf am Ammersee
Stopping Places, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin, DE
For love an money, Kunststation Kleinsassen
Filament, Alte Spinnerei, 2018, Lauterbach (Hessen)
Mit anderen Augen sehen – Dikhas Avren Jakhenca, Camaro Stiftung, Berlin, DE
Akathe te Beshen, Akademie der Künste,Berlin, DE
Young Romani Artists, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin, DE
„David&David, Madagaskar-Paris-Koblenz“, Galerie Sehr, Koblenz
Madagasyart „Kilonga“ in der 59 Rivoli, Paris, FR
MASTEPEN THAJ SASTEPEN, Centro Federico Garcia Lorca, Granada
Stopping Places, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin, DE
„here to stay“ ,Prag Czech Centres, Prag
„Sans corruption“ , 59 Rivoli, Paris, FR
„Pas Grave“ , Galeriei Kai Dikhas, Berlin,DE
Akathe te Beshen „Mestipe thaj sastipe“ , Centro centro, Madrid, SP
Frei Sein! Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin, DE
Akathe te Beshen „here to stay“ ,Paris,FR
Frei Sein!, Schloss Heidelberg, DE
Madagasyart „Ampela soa“ in der 59 Rivoli, Paris, FR
PROVINZ ,Galerie Kai Dikhas – Berlin, DE
Stopping Places, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin, DE
„Kunstspaziergang“, Landenhausen, (Hessen)
Transmitting Trauma“ Dokuzentrum der Sinti und Roma“ Berlin, DE
„Schlossausstellung in der Papierfabrik“,Dachau, DE
„Madagasyart“ 59 Rivoli, Paris, FR
„Polar“ Galerie Petschelt und Rasch, Kassel, DE
Stopping Places, Galerie kai Dikhas, Berlin, DE
Schloss Eisenbach, DE
Galerie Petschelt und Rasch, Kassel, DE